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How to Use Notes From the Grooming Table

I can’t wait to personally show you a few highlights from the second edition of Notes from the Grooming Table.

This book will help you grow your grooming career, boost your communication levels with your peers and clients, while expanding your career growth!

🎉 Introducing the NEW Theory of 5 Video Series!

🎉 is excited to premiere a new video series based on founder ❤️ Melissa Verplank’s five-star Theory of Five ✂️ grooming guide!

Born of the need for consistent and efficient grooming, Melissa Verplank’s book has helped grooming operations worldwide simplify everyday grooming. Now those fundamentals, honed through 30 years of field testing and teaching, are available in byte-sized bits for continued education.

Perfect for solo groomers, mobile teams, or in shops, salons or pet boarding facilities, the Theory of Five series of Groominar® tips break skills into body parts and types.

In this first episode, you’ll be learning about grooming and styling the body from six Learn2GroomDogs 🌟 experts::

  • Melissa Verplank, CMG and Marc LeFleur show tips for effective drying during a Bath and Brush style groom.
  • Suesan Watson, CMG, demonstrates guard combs on the All-Trim.
  • Kathy Rose NCMG, IPGCMG, ISCCCMS demonstrates ways to work with bone structure when setting in Stylized Legs and tips for blending.
  • Judy Hudson, CMG shows you tips to master angulation and work with coat-growth patterns on the Sporting Dog or Short Legged Terrier Trim.
  • Irinia “Pina” Pinkesuvitch, NCMG demonstrates setting the topline on a Bichon Frise for Hand Scissors or Miscellaneous Trims.

Start Learning with Theory of 5!

If you’re a member, be sure to Log In and check out the video HERE so you can add it to your favorites and get the full details! If you’re not a member, click here to watch a free preview of the video.

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Remembering Kathy Rose

Paragon’s Groominar® Network family at would like to celebrate the memory of our dear friend, instructor, and groom industry icon, Kathy Rose.

Kathy will be remembered for her work standardizing the American contest ring and her devotion to and promotion of professionalism in grooming. Her competitive excellence with GroomTeam USA inspired groomers here and abroad to level up their skills. At the same time, as a business owner, she was keen to share ways to groom the every day “bread and butter” dogs with style.

To honor Kathy’s contributions to our Groominar® Network, we’ve made three of her full features viewable by all. We’ll miss Kathy, but know her legacy lives on!

This gallery includes:

1. Standard Poodle Wearing a Bichon Suit (5-Part Series)
2. Grooming a Shih Tzu with an Asian Influenced Head Style (3-Part Series)
3. Preparing a Poodle for Certification Testing or Contest Grooming (3=Part Series)

JZ10: No Cold Tables

Joe Zuccarello’s latest video is live for L2GD Members!

In this JZ10 Groomer Business Tip, Paragon president Joe Zuccarello teaches us how to ensure our grooming stations stay productive and we don’t leave revenue on the table. When a grooming table sits idle, it doesn’t generate revenue and hurts your bottom line. Tune in to hear Joe discuss tips for managing your salon and scheduling groomers so that no space goes to waste.

Joe is also the host of the “Hey Joe!” podcast where he interviews a wide range of pet industry subject-matter experts.

Each month, members get a BRAND NEW JZ10 on a broad range of topics, from keeping your staff happy to nailing your finances. Stay tuned for more!

JZ10: Brags and Snags March 2024

Joe Zuccarello’s latest video is live for L2GD Members!

In this JZ10 Groomer Business Tip, Paragon president Joe Zuccarello invites us to do a quick gut check about what is working and what isn’t. Our brags are things that went great, while our snags are things that didn’t happen as smoothly as we hoped. Tune in to see Joe outline a simple method for tallying your brags and snags and using these to derive innovative ideas for improving your salon.

Joe is also the host of the “Hey Joe!” podcast where he interviews a wide range of pet industry subject-matter experts.

Each month, members get a BRAND NEW JZ10 on a broad range of topics, from keeping your staff happy to nailing your finances. Stay tuned for more!

JZ10: What are They Really Buying Episode 5 – Partnership

Joe Zuccarello’s latest video is live for L2GD Members!

In this JZ10 Groomer Business Tip, Paragon president Joe Zuccarello talks about doing things together, communicating with customers and staff in a way that satisfies everyone involved. People don’t like being told what to do but want to be engaged as partners, given choices and input. This applies to managing your staff as well. Watch to learn how partnership can produce a win-win-win situation—a win for you, the person you’re working with, and the pet.

Joe is also the host of the “Hey Joe!” podcast where he interviews a wide range of pet industry subject-matter experts.

Each month, members get a BRAND NEW JZ10 on a broad range of topics, from keeping your staff happy to nailing your finances. Stay tuned for more!

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JZ10: What Are They Really Buying Episode 4 – Expertise

Joe Zuccarello’s latest video is live for L2GD Members!

In this JZ10 Groomer Business Tip, Paragon president Joe Zuccarello talks about the importance of expertise and how you must always keep learning. Your customers like seeing tangible proof of continuing education, such as a certificate on the wall to show you stand out from the competition. Watch for a few ways you can cultivate a culture of learning and harmony among your staff, producing the expertise you are looking for.

Joe is also the host of the “Hey Joe!” podcast where he interviews a wide range of pet industry subject-matter experts.

Each month, members get a BRAND NEW JZ10 on a broad range of topics, from keeping your staff happy to nailing your finances. Stay tuned for more!

New Spotlight Sessions: Setting the Crest, Compounding Interest, and Trimming the Front Leg

Where to Set the Crest on a Pet Bichon

Elizabeth Gibbs walks us through each step of setting the crest on a pet Bichon. She demonstrates her special guard comb technique for going over the body to produce the perfect coat.

Watch the Spotlight Session

How Compounding Interest Works and the Impact It Can Have on You

Jennifer Cobb shows us how to retire smart by letting compounding interest work for us. She shows us the math which illustrates why saving as soon as you can is the best thing you can do for your financial future.

Watch the Spotlight Session

How to Quickly Trim the Front Leg While Adding Style and Flair

Megan VandenBerg teaches us her tips for trimming the front leg to make it as pleasing to the eye as possible. She shares combing techniques and what her favorite shears are to get the job done.

Watch the Spotlight Session

JZ10: What are They Really Buying Episode 3 – Peace of Mind

Joe Zuccarello’s latest video is live for L2GD Members!

In this JZ10 Groomer Business Tip, Paragon president Joe Zuccarello shares his thoughts on cultivating peace of mind. Keeping customers and staff in the loop is a great way to make things run more smoothly, as is providing a “better than home” experience. The difference between a salon surviving and thriving could come down to training and support – when your staff is happy and knowledgeable, everyone benefits.

Joe is also the host of the “Hey Joe!” podcast where he interviews a wide range of pet industry subject-matter experts.

Each month, members get a BRAND NEW JZ10 on a broad range of topics, from keeping your staff happy to nailing your finances. Stay tuned for more!