Connect with the Best. brings you the opportunity to connect with the best groomers and industry experts around the world. From Q&A sessions with experts to member-centered special events, we’ll cater to you.

Our Members
YOU are the Member and we are here to serve you!
- Stand out among your competition – Know more, earn more!
- 24/7 Unlimited Access to Expert instruction
- Videos sorted to suit YOUR Skill Level!
- Access to “Members Only” Events, Workshops, Webinars and More
- Join us for special Facebook Q&A Sessions with subject matter Experts
- Articles, Podcasts, Video Blogs and much, much more.
Our Experts
Our Experts are found among the top of the class. Many are GroomTeam USA alumni or competitors with certifications and expertise that comes from a lifelong commitment to learning. Our groomers and subject matter experts share their tips, trials and triumphs to help you become the best, most efficient and profitable groomer or salon you can be. Their passion and commitment to their vocation is unparalleled.

First-Class Member Experience
- Computer? Laptop? Tablet? Phone? We are everywhere you are!
- Hop into whatever Skill Level based track that is best for you!
- Based on Melissa Verplank’s professional standards!