Grooming a Pet Cavalier in a Sporting Style Trim
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For the last seven years, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has been in the top 20 most popular breeds.
Why? They typically have kind, sweet temperaments. Their smaller stature makes them adaptable to many lifestyles. Their silky coats are luxurious. Simply put, they are ADORABLE!
According to the American Kennel Club, they have hovered between the 16th and 19th positions since 2014. No wonder so many groomers see this breed on a regular basis! However, their coats can get long and unruly. They can get tangled. Seasonal shedding can be a problem. And those ‘slipper feet’ will bring the outdoors inside. We can understand why many pet owners would prefer less coat.
Jennifer Hecker is an award-winning Certified Master Groomer. She also shows multiple breeds in the AKC conformation world. Jennifer grooms the same type of pets you see every day in the salon. She sees CKCS every week in the busy salon she works at. Many are simply bath and brush style jobs with some minor tidy work. However, many clients want much less coat!
Like this client. They want to keep the ‘look’ of a show-style dog. But without the maintenance and upkeep. Jennifer shows you how to retain the charm of the breed while removing much of the coat length. Her focus is on preserving a natural look. Just shorter. Once the dog is bathed and dried, the actual haircut can be done quickly. Typically, she turns out this trim in just 20 or 30 minutes.
How? Watch and see!
In this lesson, Jennifer shows you what tools give her the best results. She demonstrates how to use them, getting great results in no time.
In this video you will learn:
- What blade to use to get a nice, natural look
- How to minimize coat tracking
- How to trim the foot for a shorter ‘slipper foot’
- Key anatomy reference points for pattern setting
- Tools that give great results fast.
Jennifer Hecker
Jennifer Heckler has over 14 years of experience in the pet grooming field. She is a Certified Master Groomer, an award-winning contest stylist, a lead trainer and active pet stylist, and a high-level competitor in French Ring Sport. Ms. Heckler is active in the AKC conformation show ring and has the USA #1 Dandi Dinmont Terrier in 2010. Her specialties include hand stripping, breed profile trimming, speed, efficiency, and mobile grooming.