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Mastering the Doodle - What You Need to Know to Groom Doodles Faster and Better
In This Video Lesson Series, You'll Learn
- Expert Tips you need to WOW your customers
- How to make thick-coated doodle grooming easier and satisfying
- Discover the right products, tools and techniques to groom doodles faster
- You'll receive a free, downloadable quick reference guide
Learn with Irinia "Pina" Pinkusevich
In this video, join award-winning pet stylist Irina “Pina” Pinkusevich. Pina has won multiple Best-in-Show and Best All-Around Groomer awards including the Lynne Carver Award, the Liz Paul Memorial Award, the Winner’s Circle Jackpot and the World Dog Show’s World Champion Award. Pina is a former GroomTeam USA competitor and serves as a judge and lecturer. Pina is a National Certified Master Groomer with the National Dog Groomers of America and is also a certifier for NGDAA.
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